is the oldest (since 2002) and largest portal for Jamaican music and culture in Belgium aka. Beljam. We offer our visitors extensive reports of concerts and festivals, news and travel stories, reviews and interviews, an up to date agenda and a lot of interaction with social media. is the main meeting point of the flourishing Beljam reggae community.
Financially speaking, creating this site hasn't been easy. And without the help of partners like Reggae Geel or Piazza bvba, and the donations we received from our loyal readers through our crowdfunding campaign, it wouldn't have been possible.
As a sign of our immense gratitude, we would therefor like to put them in the spotlights on this page.
With more than 10.000 monthly visitors, is the ideal platform to promote your events and reggae related products to exactly the right target audience. No other medium has such a broad reach.